Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Time Management for Students

Whether you are a college or University Students, being able to manage your time is a skill that can help you deal with your academic life. You probably not only have to deal with your class schedule, but extra curricular activities such as sports or music, a full or part time job as well as looking after your residence.

All these different areas can add a lot of stress to your busy life and without a proper schedule your situation can get out of control and you end up missing classes or not getting to work on time.

Putting together a Time Management System that works for you is vital. Being able to plan your life now while you are in school will give you an opportunity to have your life better organized so that when you get out in the job market you will have this skill mastered.

Tested principles for managing your time well:

Avoid procrastination by identifying where you waste time that take you away from the project you need to take care of or complete. Use a calendar with large squares for each day to keep track of all your important dates from birthdays to social events as well as your class schedule. In order to complete your projects or homework on time, set a realistic deadline and write it down so you can stay on track. Figure out when you are most productive during the day. This will be the time you spend for studying or doing projects that will require a higher level of energy. Learn to say no when it will take you away from your priorities. Just because some one asks you do something doesn't mean you have to comply. Make sure you find time to relax. Certainly your classes and studying should be a priority but taking time out with friends is a great way to recharge your batteries. Also, remember to get enough sleep. Studies show that getting enough sleep helps us with better memory and focus and both are required if you are going to pass your exams. If you have a large project or assignment, break it down into a smaller more manageable size. By breaking a large project down in to smaller segments of time with breaks in between you will be able to stay focused more easily and not burn yourself out trying to complete a large project all at once. Use your breaks between classes wisely. You can always find a quiet place to study for a few hours or even take a break so you can refocus your energy.

Keep in mind that a good Time Management System should be flexible. Situations can change and you need to be able to readjust your schedule if you take on new obligations or you end up taking more time than you thought to complete a project or assignment.

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